Be an Angel benefits children in foster care, from infancy to young adulthood, who are less likely to receive holiday gifts without community support.
With more than 1,700 youth in foster and preventative care in in Duval County this season, your support is needed!
Your contribution will provide a holiday to remember for children who otherwise would not have gifts of their own this holiday season.
Be a Corporate Sponsor
All Gifts Are Tax Deductible
Adopt a child’s Wish List ($100 per child)
- Wish Lists are no longer available. Updated 11.26.24 Please consider making a monetary donation using the link below.
- Select a program coordinator, determine how many children you will sponsor
- Complete the form and someone from our team will reach out to assist and build a plan.
- Our team will send a list of children’s wishes
- Your team collects those items and delivers the unwrapped items to Hope’s Closet (Beach Blvd location) by Dec. 2nd.
Make a Monetary Donation Online or by Check
- Donate Online
Select "Be An Angel" in the dropdown menu - Mail a Check
Complete the Form and make check payable to:
Family Support Services of North Florida
Note: Be an Angel
Attn: Leigh Ann Luttrell
1300 Riverplace Blvd Ste 700
Jacksonville, FL 32207
Be an Individual Sponsor
All Gifts Are Tax Deductible
Adopt a child’s Wish List ($100 per child)
- Wish Lists are no longer available. Updated 11.26.24 Please consider making a monetary donation using the link below.
- Complete the form and our team will provide you a child (or children’s) wish list.
- Purchase items and deliver unwrapped items to Hope’s Closet (Beach Blvd location) by Dec. 2nd.
Make a Monetary Donation Online or by Check
- Donate Online
Select "Be An Angel" in the dropdown menu - Mail a Check
Complete the Form and make check payable to:
Family Support Services of North Florida
Note: Be an Angel
Attn: Leigh Ann Luttrell
1300 Riverplace Blvd Ste 700
Jacksonville, FL 32207
Q: How does the Be an Angel program work?
A: Each year social workers ask children in foster care and prevention programs what they would like for the holidays. Those wishes are distributed to donors who purchase the gifts. Social workers deliver these gifts mid December.
Q: Who are the children this program serves?
A: Be an Angel serves children ages birth to 17 in our foster care and prevention programs, as well as our extended foster care program, which are young adults who have aged out of foster care, ages 18-23.
Q: Where do I bring the purchased gifts?
A: All gifts must delivered unwrapped, with the provided tag/label to our headquarters by Dec. 1st.
Location is:
Hope’s Closet
14286 Beach Blvd. Ste 44
Jacksonville, Florida 32250
Instructions for drop off days and times will be provided when you sponsor a child.
Q: Is my gift tax deductible?
A: Yes. Family Support Services is 501(c)3 non-for-profit. Each donor will receive an acknowledgement letter that donors are responsible for submitting with their taxes.
Q: Can I pick out which kids to sponsor?
A: On the sign up form, you can indicate if you’d like a specific gender or age child. Some choose to buy for sibling sets. Others request teens or a certain type of gifts (eg bikes, laptops). All are needed! The earlier you request a wish list the more likely you are to have choices.
Q: What if I have toys I want to donate?
A: Be an Angel only take new toys in original packaging. Often we can match up donated toys with a child’s wish list. To best serve these amazing well-deserving kiddos, we prefer items purchsed off a child’s list or a monetary donation. Some organizations host toys drive for us. For details on how to run a successful toy drive contact Leigh.Luttrell@fssnf.org
Q: What items are most needed?
A: Those willing to shop for a child using their list is the most helpful to us (before Dec. 1). Monetary donations allow us to fill in gaps. Some items that are requested are more difficult to obtain due to cost - these include tablets, laptops, and gift cards for teens and young adults.
Q: Are there opportunties to volunteer?
A: We have some volunteer shifts in November 7th - Dec 7th. Contact Rochelle.Lockett@fssnf.org for details.
Q: Can I deliver the gifts to the child or family?
A: Due to confidentiality, donors will not interact with the recipients of the gifts.
Q: I just found this program but it’s after Dec 2nd. Can I still help?
A: Yes! All donations will be used to cover needs for foster children.
Your monetary donation will cover any remaining needs in 2024 and we look forward to your involvement in next year’s program!
Choose "Be An Angel" in the dropdown menu.
Thank you!
We’d love to add you to our list for the holidays
and to our bi-monthly newsletter to keep you informed!